We have taken the traditional MLS marketing process and enhanced it Our Advanced Hybrid Marketing process is one of the most advanced marketing process available to get your home sold.

♦ The sense of urgency with the buyers. 

♦ Limited viewing days which pushed the sense of urgency.

53% more physical viewings of your home with our advanced process over the traditional standard open market process.

The removal of the list price which takes the price out of the process so that buyers can fall in love with the home.

Set sale date to get your home sold quickly and effectively at  your sellers expectations.

Our Advanced Hybrid process will get you the maximum exposure without the traditional open market time, you will not have to worry about your home becoming stale on the market place with buyers wondering what’s wrong with your home. 

Our Advanced Hybrid process does not use lockboxes and we will never show your home without being the best light and presentation.

This is very important to only show your home in the best possible condition and not giving the buyer any reason to discount the home.

Our Advanced Hybrid process only allows your Advanced Real Estate Advisor to show your home to potential buyers, this is very important as you have selected your Advisor and shown him all the unique features of your home that sets it apart the other competition on the market.

Our Advanced Hybrid process takes the list price and removes it from the sale, This is very important as with the traditional open market process buyers only look at your photos online with the list price, They will make a 5 second decision to even consider looking at your home in person.

This is the one only process that will insure

that you are getting most for your home in any market!

When the price is removed from the 5 second decision then the buyer has to look at the photos and make a decision if the home is worth viewing in person.

This creates 53% more physical viewings of your home on the limited showing days, The buyers will be looking at the home with up to 100 people per viewing day.

Buyers will hear and see what other buyers are saying about your home, this creates the fear of loss and buyers will tend to make offers very quickly thus resulting in your home selling for or above your expectations.

Our Advanced Hybrid process is the only process available that negotiates your sales price up and not down, That is correct when using the traditional open market process if you there is no offers made within the first 10 days, then most of the time your agent will pressure you to lower your price.

Advanced Real Estate Advisors will never ask you for a price reduction as there is no price to reduce.

Advanced REA has an innovative and PROVEN Advanced Marketing process that allows sellers to sell their home for $ TOP DOLLAR $


Southern California’s Most Advanced Real Estate Brokerage

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